Are you ready for the transition from Summer to Fall, babe? Let me be the first to invite you to our amazing upcoming day-long workshop celebrating just that! Oh, and have I mentioned it's FREE to our Seagrape Babes members?!
The fall equinox ushers us into the dark half of the year, when the nights are longer than the days and the earth gives up its fruits in preparation for its winter rest. This makes fall and winter a natural and sacred time to go within, explore our individual underworlds, and begin or deepen our magical and intuitive practices.
This five-hour workshop led by Charlie Claire Burgess offers a sampler of everything you need to be your own witch this equinox and beyond, including introductions to:
- Fall and winter seasonal magic
- Basic spellcraft and candle magic
- Forming intentions and writing affirmations
- Intuitive tarot reading
- Exploring personal mythology and personal symbolism
- Creating your own oracle for powerful personal use
- Practices for developing your intuition
Prior to this workshop, we will be hosting a FREE 5 Day Challenge: Turning inward, finding your magic! Sign up for it here, and be led to the Equinox event prepped with new tools and an amazing community behind you! Participating in the challenge also enters you to win a free 6 month subscription to the
Make sure to click here to join us over on Seagrape Babes, and lets brew some magic together!