This cycle, both the Sun and the Moon land themselves in the watery depths of Cancer Season. A sign that prioritizes comfort, nurturing and intuition, this lunation cycle asks for softness. Take some time this season to be gentle with yourself, and reflect on the grace and ferocity of your body and emotions.
Begin your ritual by lighting a candle, and setting out a small dish or cup of water. Anoint yourself with a sacred oil, or burn some clearing herbs. Take a few deep breaths, and perhaps a few sips of calming tea. Dim your lights, and settle into a meditative space. When you feel calm, open your journal and free write with
this prompt:
-Think about the relationship between your visible self (your body) and your invisible self (your personality, character, likes and dislikes). How do you envision it? What can you do to feel more at home in this relationship?
As you journal, breathe through any feelings that come up. Notice where your feelings live in your body, and be sure to jot that down too. When you are done writing, take a few deep big belly breathes and speak some affirmations of self love aloud.