Participants will have the chance learn in real time, engage in dialogue, have questions answered and thoughts mused upon - and all for a good cause. See our incredible lineup of magical event presenters and further details below.
- 11am PST - Angela Mary Magick: Summer Solstice Nectar Power Spell
- 11:30am PST Ylva Mara Radziszewski: Queer Magical Eroticism
- 12:00pm PST Ericka Gail: The Essential Healing of Softness + Rest
*15 minute break*
- 12:45pm PST Sara M Lyons: The Art of Lenormand & Crafting a Deck for Pleasure
- 1:15pm PST Fruiting Bodies: The Healing Power of Psilocybin Mushrooms
Invite along your favorite pleasure witch, tarot or oracle reader, friend of fungi or restful priestexx for some potent segments on summer magic, healing, self-care and community
With your involvement and participation in this event, you will support Seagrape in creating 150 BIPOC summer care packages full of wonderful offerings to our BIPOC
This event will serve as an intersection of classic and contemporary traditions around solstice, supporting us in brand new interpretations as collective understandings continue to
This event includes donation-based entry for BIPOC and offers free entry for members of our online community Seagrape Babes! Our growing digital coven can be found and joined through the
link here
All registered participants receive a link to video replay for 7 days of viewing, great for our local and international community! Workshop and replay include closed