Massage is a powerful tool that can help calm the nervous system, soothe sore and tired muscles, and restore a sense of calm. With this month's focus on Self Devotion, self massage is a way to check in with our bodies, give gratitude for the ways in which they help us move through the world, and embody self love.
Start your ritual with a warm bath or shower to help soften your skin,
and relax your mind. After toweling off, find a comfortable spot to sit and light a few candles. If you really want to romance yourself, set the scene with some music, gemstones, and a few drops of essential oils in a diffuser or even a few drops of aphrodisiac potion under your tongue. When you're comfortable and cozy, take a bottle of massage oil or a skin soothing carrier oil like jojoba or almond oil and hold it gentle in your hands. Speak your affirmations and gratitude to your body out loud while holding the oil, to infuse it with an energy of self devotion. Try - "Thank you for taking up space" "You are strong" "You deserve love."
After speaking your affirmations, take a few drops of oil and glide it gentle over your skin. Spend some time focusing on the sensation, are there any sore spots that need some extra time and attention? Give it to yourself! There's no rush here, you can soak in this moment of pleasure for as long as you'd like.
When your massage is done, set your massage oil on your altar, and anoint yourself with a few drops any time you need a boost of self love!