The full moon arrives on July 3rd.
This powerful lunation in the sign of Capricorn signifies a crossroads between feeling seen and feeling understood. Capricorn can be a hard worker, driven by the desire to do better, fine-tune processes and approaches, and move towards the most illustrious reflection of themselves. This bright moment of lunar illumination asks you to reflect on such tendencies, and turn up the volume on the necessary magic of self-sight.
Self-sight is a calling to reflect on who we are in ways beyond words or casual descriptors. Instead of looking at the mirror — admiring the absolute babe and gorgeous witch we see — we're learning to look through the mirror and into our most sincere sources of fierce wonder.
Who are you at your least productive? What is your relationship to self when you're contributing nothing but your own aliveness? What are your gifts that have absolutely nothing to do with profit or value? Now is an ideal time to sink into a deeper notion of self and ponder what the most private, tender parts of us have to say.
On July 17th, we'll experience a new moon in Cancer.
Our deepest desires are amplified by the dark mirror of the new moon, and this lunation is threaded through with the emerging heat of the summer solstice, making this watery, introspective period particularly
The new moon in Cancer asks us to bask in our own light as we feel deep into our bodies. The same bright lunar glow that's reflected by the moon exists first within us all, and that this glow waxes
and wanes with our inner tides. The sanctuary of your body is in constant flux, and no sign understands the challenge of maintaining fluidity while being pulled in multiple directions quite like tender Cancer.
What practices are you leaning on to ground yourself as emotions float to the surface of this dark moon? If this lunation feels like a riptide, imagine your magical tools as a life raft. Netflix and chill from a luxurious bath, drink copious
amounts of tea, and lavish yourself with sensual self-touch. Allow yourself to ebb and flow, wax and wane. Your cycles are sacred, babe.