The full moon in Libra arrives on April 5th. This full moon, prepare to fall under a Venusian spell. Ruled by the planet of beauty, Libra is one of the most lavish and romantic signs in the zodiac. Pleasure, sensuality, diplomacy, and cunning all fall
within their domain. This lunation conjures images of pink cabbage roses, the gentle curve of marble statues, and velvet-hewn reading nooks perfect for reading wax-sealed love letters. Hearts swell and sing under the Libra full moon, and today is as good a day as any to romance yourself as you would a lover.
Spend some time sitting in front of a mirror today—look into your own eyes longingly, stroke your face with a gentle hand, and speak to yourself in a gentle tone. This full moon, embody a sword forged from flower petals. This temperate sign knows when to wield softness over steel; Libra is adept at analyzing their surroundings before they act. Don't make any rash decisions today—instead, weigh your options. Libra is
the only sign in the zodiac represented by an object, not an animal. Even so, Libra's scales are just as dependable as Taurus's ox, and just as sensitive as Cancer's fish.
This full moon, sit with the energy of the scales. Visualize that sword of
petals balancing perfectly on your fingertip—what are you ready to release now that would bring you into balance with your desires? What pleasures have you denied yourself, that you can offer to yourself now? What is your heart calling out for you to release, so that you might make room for what truly belongs to you?
On April 19th, we'll experience a total solar eclipse and New Moon in Aries. During an eclipse, our energetic bodies become more porous: lunar eclipses (when the sun sits directly between and the moon in the earth) amplify our emotional, sensual, and intuitive perceptions, while solar eclipses (when the moon sits between the sun and the earth) clarify our fiercest truths. At a solar eclipse, we have the opportunity to
dispel illusion, shed self-doubt, and set aside the patterns inhibiting our momentum.
This lunation in Aries is a whetstone for your most closely guarded dreams and desires, witch. What's standing in the way of your creative
unfurling? Your magic-making? Are you willing to be honest about the ways you may have sabotaged your own becoming along the way? Are you ready to dismantle the walls penning you in?
As this eclipse season opens, you're invited to joyfully, urgently not
know where you're going. This new moon is not about the where or the how; this lunation is deeply concerned with the why and the what. On this Aries new moon and solar eclipse, what's stopping you from emerging back into the world as your fullest, most embodied, most authentic self? Let spring embolden you. Move with abundant curiosity and playfulness. Romance those shy, shuttered in parts of yourself and gently coax them into the light.