This is a month of emergence, becoming, unfurling, and devotion. The spring equinox makes its home in March, and it's here in the nest of sleepy-eyed blooms and deep stretches and sighs of relief that our own energy begins to stir and spin. Leave winter at the door, witches! Now is the time to press upwards through the soil and towards the growing light.
One of my most beloved practices for honoring my own emergence during this season of renewal is with a custom spring season essence.
An essence holds the
energetic impression(s) of plants, flowers, animals, stones, environments, stories, and archetypes. Before crafting your own essence, spend some time pondering the vast web of allies and guides already in your orbit. Whose presence would feel most supportive this coming spring? What shape are you emerging into? Essences are subtle medicine, and they can ease our growing pains as we take the first steps out of winter's embrace.
To create your own essence, you will need:
- Sterilized 1 oz. dropper bottle
- Spring water (bottled is fine!)
- Brandy or glycerin
- Glass bowl
- Coffee filter or cheesecloth
- Funnel (to fit the dropper bottle)
- An ally of your choosing
Essence crafting can be as ritualistic or efficient as you'd like. Consider yourself the alchemist! You get to decide how this process should feel, and what (if any) ceremonies you invoke.