When we're invoking the magic of abundance, we're invoking the qualities of the planet Jupiter.
Jupiter is our
biggest and most abundant astral neighbor. On May 16th, when Jupiter enters the earthy, sensual sign of Taurus, we can expect to cultivate tangible rewards for the steady work we've been doing in the area of our natal chart where Taurus falls. This upcoming transit will be a time to open up to new levels of abundance through sensual expansion!
What are you ready to receive? How are you preparing to honor these gifts when they arrive?
If you're
ready to invite the prosperity and reciprocity of Jupiter into your practice, join us and astro-babe Taylor Ursula for her workshop Planetary Magic, where we'll explore . .
- The significance of Jupiter in the natal chart
- Themes of Jupiter moving through Taurus (and through each of the astrological houses!)
- Jupiter's co-presence with Uranus (the planet of expansion) and the North Node (the soul's direction) during this transit
- Weaving Jupiter into ritual
PS: We still have free tickets available for BIPOC community members! Respond to this email to reserve your ticket, babe.Â