The Aries full moon is wild and flickering—childlike, not yet tamed or tempered, and as unruly as it is curious. This full moon, give your inner fire permission to expand into childlike curiosity. Leap, bound, and surge forward towards the dark corners, the forgotten feelings, and the familiar magic this full
This lunation is startling in its brightness—unflinching Aries is the first sign in the zodiac, and the ruler of passion. Symbolized by the ram, with their massive
horns doubling as two mirrored cornucopias, both nearly overflowing with bounty, Aries fears nothing. This sign already contains everything they need to thrive. This lunation calls us to acknowledge the same bounty in ourselves.
Leadership, initiative, and direct action are intrinsic when it comes to Aries—this lunation is the ideal time to approach your deepest desires from an
actionable standpoint. What can you do right now to set your dreams alight? What project is your inner witch calling for you to begin, and what steps can you take in this current moment to bring this project into reality? If you find yourself sinking into doubt, reach out a hand—you intuition will be there to catch you this lunation. The full moon will light the path ahead; all you have to do is step forward.