While at its darkest, the moon is also at its most mutable—as we enter the new moon in Libra, allow your heart to become as pliable and slow-moving as tree sap. This lunation in flexible, adaptable, and infinitely patient. Libra ask us to release our taut energy and consider where we may be out of balance. The new moon is the ideal time to
reassess opinions or beliefs that you may have long considered fixed, or immovable. What beliefs about yourself is your spirit crying out for you to reconsider? Be like the scales this new moon—weigh your moods and emotions with great care, babe.
This is a difficult time to be a witch in the world—which is all the more reason to tend to the most sensitive, tender parts of you during this lunation. Libra is an airy, harmonious, and level-headed sign, but it's also the sign of justice. Now is the time to anchor your heart, so you can release the weight of despair and stagnant grief
without floating away. Look closely at emotions that gather in knots this month, and tend to them with care. How can you seek justice for yourself this lunation? How can you mend the versions of yourself that feel wronged, overlooked, or undervalued? You deserve it all, babe, and then some. Dole out gentleness with an even hand this new moon, and know that you've more than earned it.
If this new moon feels especially tender for you, connect back to the physical body; level-headed and observant as Libra may be, the dark moon is a time of reckoning with the rich, albeit confusing internal landscape. Your emotional body may feel more prickly than usual—so remember to ground yourself with gentle, healing touch. Libra is associated with
the skin, as well as the veins—spend some time lavishing yourself by tracing the veins that are visible underneath your skin, and connect them back to their source: your heart.