Today's SPELL: Engaging your Magical Senses!
Draw a circle in the center of a large page—that's you. Now, draw five lines extending from this circle, and label them with the words sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch.
What color, texture, or feeling do you associate with each of your five senses? Spend some time doodling, coloring, and making notes on this sensory map. Think about your own magic in the world in relation to the senses. Do you love the taste of basil? Do you gravitate towards the color indigo? Do you love to feel moss under your feet, or feel water comb
through your hair?
Think of this map as a record of the way magic touches you. Take a moment to notice and thank elements, allies, and energies that come up here, and ask them to support you on your journey this week. We'd love to hear what they are!
Share your findings and drawings with us on Instagram @seagrapeapothecary!