Friday the 13th Violet Potion Spell
Every violet is an artist, and their work calls out to be witnessed—this flower ally may be small, and their petals fragile, but their voice is LOUD, and clear as a bell. Violet teaches us to loosen our grip on our hearts, allow ourselves to be big, and express what we've never had the courage to express before. What does your heart have to say this Venus day, babe? Hone in
on your inner artist with this violet flower essence potion.Â
For this violet potion, you will need:
⚘ A cup of freshly picked violets
⚘ Water (fresh spring water if possible)
⚘ Brandy (or vegetable glycerin for a non-alcoholic option!)
⚘ A bowl
⚘ Cheesecloth or a coffee filter
⚘ A vessel to store your essence in (a mason jar, spray bottle, etc.)
Stretch out with your potion ingredients in a sunny spot outside, and invite the spirit of violet to collaborate with you—what are you ready to express? What version of yourself are you ready to expand into? Call on violet for support in easing your heart open. If you have a specific creative project you're working on, name it! When you're ready to craft your violet potion,
pour your water into your bowl, and sprinkle your violets on top. Leave them to bask in the sun for a few hours in a place they won't be disturbed, then pour your potion into your vessel, using your cheesecloth or coffee filter to strain out the violets. Add equal parts brandy or vegetable glycerin to your water, and viola! Your violet potion is complete—add a few drops to your morning tea, your ritual baths, or directly to your tongue and feel your heart sing.Â