This spell charges a mirror with confidence and beauty magic! A great spell to do if you are needing a self esteem boost. Try it on a full moon to increase the manifestation
You will need:
1 mirror
1 red candle
Jasmine, Ylang Ylang, or Lavender Essential Oil
Begin your ritual in the morning, with soft light and bright fresh energy. Take a few deep breaths, and enter a meditative state. Begin by dropping three drops of essential oil on your candle, and speaking a compliment to yourself out loud with each drop. Light your candle, and begin to softly gaze in the mirror. Make eye contact with yourself, and speak the
compliments again. Find at least one physical feature you love, and speak loving affirmations to it. If there are any features you feel sticky about, can you speak loving kindness to them as well? Even if it's not out loud, thinking them is just as magical. Meet yourself where you are at. Let the soft floral oils diffuse into the air and reflect your blooming beauty back to you. Leave your candle lit as you get ready for your day. Return to this mirror any time you need a reminder of your inner
and outer beauty.