Welcome to April, babe. Take a moment to ground, return to your body, and feel into your TENDER HEART this month! All month long, we're planting the seeds of community care that will allow us to flourish into soft, replenished blooms in the season ahead. We'll be taking a look at our intuition, using our body's wisdom to guide us
through the twists and turns of our heart space, and sinking deeper into the support systems nurturing our growth. As we step back into the light season, let's call on the magical tools that allow us to self-soothe. These past two years have trapped us all in a cycle of energy-depletion and fatigue, but it's okay to give back to yourself now, babe. Attune to the subtle energies dictating how you move through the world. How are you tapping back in to the self-care rituals, practices, and tools
that allow you to live this juicy life?
Start this month of tenderness off with a CSW packed with the most gentle magic, or sign up for one of our workshops and tend your connection to community in an ultra-sweet gathering of babes. Our private online community, Seagrape Babes, will be exploring the theme of TENDER HEART throughout the month, so join us to witness these dialogues, lessons, and
deep dives! Our blog is bursting with soft magic this month, including a "Guarding the Heart" spell and a ritual for developing self-compassion. We couldn't be more delighted join you in community care this month, babe. It's such a joy to make this magic with you all!
Be sure to join us on April 9th to celebrate Seagrape's 7th birthday—we're celebrating all day long, on Zoom and in-person. Make sure to RSVP for our birthday party and our digital Shop & Sip hour!