Shadow Spell for Compassion
When we face our shadows, we can sometimes feel overwhelmed by shame, grief, or other negative emotions. Create space to also find compassion for these feelings, and grace to move through them with this simple ritual.
You will need:
A glass of water
An altar cloth
A branch or bundle of herbs - lavender, rosemary, or cedar would be perfect here but use what is accessible and local to you
A black candle
Optional: Crystals - especially black tourmaline, blue kyanite, and aventurine
Begin your ritual by sitting comfortably, and lighting your candle. Take a few deep breaths and enter a meditative space. Lay out your cloth, and arrange herbs and optional crystals, and gently hold the glass of water.
Begin to meditate on the meaning and value of the compassion you wish to hold for yourself. Mediate on what it is that you would like to be able to feel, and why. How would this compassion feel, how would it look? Use your powers of visualization here!
If you need to ground yourself, crush a few leaves of your herbs between your fingers, and allow the fresh aroma to bring you back to the present time.
When you are ready, drink your water that has been charged with the thoughts and feelings of compassion, and allow it to fill you with these feelings. Return to this ritual whenever you need it, and keep your charged herbs on your altar or in a small pouch you carry with you as a compassionate touch stone.