Everything is Magic.
Can you smell the briskness in the air, the soft sighs of the earth settling in for a Winter rest? It's Chrysalis season at Seagrape, but also for me personally, and it’s time to cultivate Small Spells for Pleasure!
Every year around this time the hustle and bustle of the holidays creeps in creating waves of to-do lists, endless phone calls to USPS, and long days on my feet. And, every year I take some extra intentional time to remind myself that *Pleasure* lives in my body, and I can access it at any time.
As the newest member (hello, 2021 rollercoaster!) of our little mailing list love-letter-spell, I want to share something that happened a few days ago, and to remind you this time of change is an opportunity to let yourself be open to living the life of your dreams.
Back in September, on the Fall Equinox, as I was putting my garden to bed and weaving a releasing spell I received a delivery of Saffron crocuses I had ordered the previous year. Unlike regular crocuses, Saffron likes the cold, and only opens its velvety purple petals as the earth performs it's composting rituals. I planted the bulbs in my backyard, around my ancestral Altar, setting the intention of Pleasure and Abundance- the energetic
correspondence of Saffron.
A few weeks ago, with a team of arborists trimming some tall and dying Cedars in a surprise appointment I was suddenly reminded of a lesson I try to remember daily (but forget come the holidays)- everything is magic. The trees had been trimmed poorly by the previous owner of the house and several were beyond saving. The arborist, covered in fresh piney cedar shavings, touching one of the trees gently told me- "Trees don't heal, they seal. These
trees still have a lot to offer even if they're not the healthiest." A sacred message and Small Spell delivered right to me! Would you have noticed this little miracle?
This man didn't know that these trees, these Grandmothers, have become a part of my plant family, that I keep an Altar at their feet, and have buried offerings and planted Violets and Saffron at their roots. But he touched the bark at reminded me- everything is magic.
After the team left I spent the afternoon carrying the logs of cedar to my wood pile in gratitude- firewood for next year's Winter rest. On my hands and knees in the November drizzle, I gently mixed the cedar shavings left behind into the earth to compost, and transform. As I was saying a prayer of gratitude into the soil I noticed a little purple bloom with brilliant red pistols- one of the Saffron plants had bloomed! I sat with the bloom for a moment, crushed
under pieces of Grandmother cedar, cleared away because she couldn't seal her wounds, and I thought, *this* is my abundance spell manifested.
In this moment the magical information the crocus gave me was that perfectionism is a trap that none of us are safe from. This beautiful bloom came at a time of death and chaos to share the lessons of abundance, Pleasure, and Divine timing. How lovely to be able to pick my first precious 3 strands (each bloom only produces 3)covered in cedar shavings and wet earth. How unassuming the Magic and Pleasure of Chrysalis is when I'm really
The intention I set when I planted the saffron could have been focused on money or sensuality, but Everything is Magic, and this day of compost turned out to be just the abundance and pure joy I needed. I was reminded that perfectionism is a trap, and that Spirit isn't concerned with us being rich and sexy, just that we are tapped into our own flavor of Bliss.
So I ask you- how is perfectionism a trap in your current life, and how are you making space for everything to be Magic?
This is a topic I can goon and on about, so I'd LOVE for you to join me in our upcoming Small Spells For Pleasure series, babe! It's time to make space for your BLISS. This offering consists of a FREE video series derived right to your inbox every Sunday in December to help you
cultivate Pleasure during this dark month.
In this video series you will learn:
How to prioritize your pleasure
How to use household tools to cultivate and inspire your pleasure
How to build a pleasure tool kit you can reach for easily
How to infuse your home and daily life with magic
and how you can join us for a FREE live class at the end of December to get you ready to invite pleasure in for 2022