Welcome to 2022, babes! The Year of the Lovers is upon us—the Hierophant has taught us all they can, and now, left to our own devices, we have a decision to make. How will we choose to cherish our pleasure as this new year begins to unfurl all around us?
As we use the Guiding Light of January to settle into new goals, routines, and projects we can also notice the potency of shining that light inward to guide ourselves to
Whether you’re ready to develop a daily practice, get clear on your worth, or hone in on a magical calling, this time of the year is brimming with potential! January asks:
What will I focus on? “How will I prioritize myself this year?”
If you’re ready to do this work with community while centering Pleasure, we invite you to join our AMAZING digital program: Pleasure Filled Year!
Imagine what it would feel like to:
- Have a non-judgemental support system
- Learn magical practices to anchor you
- Have a structure to help you feel grounded in your desires Safe Space to dream big and be supported in expanding and going
- Have your boundaries enthusiastically affirmed
- Have your needs reflected and appreciated
- Do things in baby steps and be supported in taking a softer approach
- Practice dating yourself without guilt or shame
- Have tools to establish a relationship with money to support your self-care
- Establish and be supported in your values
- To be in community where your pleasure, joy, and existence were affirmed and celebrated
If all of this is an enthusiastic YES! for you, then and this course really calls to you, don’t wait to apply! .. We would love to help you cultivate these most
pleasure-filled year. We’ve already had 10 applicants and we are only taking 20 people. Applications close on January 15th! Click here to apply.
The Lovers year is ripe with a myriad of opportunities—and how you approach this budding new year is up to you, babe. Will you sink into a new magical practice with joy and grace? Will you meet yourself where you're at, and make room for contemplation and introspection? This new phase sings with possibility—you're standing at the threshold of a new era. The slate has been washed clean. What would it feel like, if you allowed your past to rot and return to source?
Small steps forward are still progress, no matter what grind culture says—take that first step into the new year. Be tender with yourself. The gleaming unknown looms large in the distance, but its beckoning you, hands outstretched. Close your eyes and allow yourself to be led.
This January, we invite you to follow the guiding light of your own inherent magic. Consult with your guides, your allies, and your spirits—now is the time to build a strong foundation for your magical practice as you descend into the rest of the year. Where has your heart been pulling you? Which path is catching your eye? Give yourself permission to follow it, whatever it is, and don't look back. We're here to support you along this new path the whole year long,
with juicy workshops, monthly community-supported witch kits packed with goodies, a blog brimming with rituals and spells, and more!