I can relate to it all. Six years ago, I was living life on autopilot, and realized that I not only wasn't living in my Pleasure, but I had absolutely no clue what that
could even look like.
As soon as I had the realization that there was potential for more and that I deserved more, I went looking for it. At the time I didn't have any reliable boundaries,
clear idea of what I wanted, or support systems in place; things that would have made cultivating pleasure so much less confusing and lonely. It was a messy time in my life but little by little I learned what it meant to call in my desire, community and a juicy life I couldn't wait to wake up to every morning.
Stepping into my pleasure has opened the door to living my best life, and I am here to open that door for you in
With this course I am offering the kind of structure, heart, and community I wished I had seven years ago for those seeking embodiment in their life. You deserve to have a full and overflowing cup, and I am here to help you call it in!
The structure of this community will facilitate an easy transition into building a personal practice to embody your joy and life more fully. It’s so exciting and I can’t
wait to help you!
Imagine what it would feel like to…
- Have a non-judgemental support system
- Learn magical practices to anchor you
- Have a structure to help you feel grounded in your desires Safe Space to dream big and be supported in expanding and going
- Have your boundaries enthusiastically affirmed
- Have your needs reflected and appreciated
- Do things in baby steps and be supported in taking a softer approach
- Practice dating yourself without guilt or shame
- Have tools to establish a relationship with money to support your self-care
- Establish and be supported in your values
- To be in community where your pleasure, joy, and existence were affirmed and celebrated
If all of this is an enthusiastic YES! for you, then we can’t wait to have you join us in 2022.
We’ve already had 8 applicants and we are only taking 20 people. If you are feeling the pull and this course really calls to you, apply! We would love to help you cultivate these most pleasure-filled year. Applications close on January